A little about me…I love my life! Aside from my love and passion for photography…

I am married to the most wonderful and supportive man whos sense of humor keeps me going when I’m on empty. Together, we have two beautiful children and most recently, we adopted a 3.5 month bloodhound puppy named Woodson.

I am a lover of: mommy-daughter pedicure time, indoor house hockey with my son, visits to the dog park with our pup, my once-a-week date night with my husband, jelly beans, making cookies with my little cooks and of course, shopping!

One Response to “About”

  1. That is so funny we use Amtelco I was doing a search about them on wordpress and found your blog. Cute family my wife and I have just the 1 2 year old thinking about having another one but he is a handful my personal blog is on unchew.wordpress.com.

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